Mission and Objectives

Doing good is not difficult; the key is to focus on problem-solving.

EcoTrace is an internal charity fund through which we organize various events aimed at preserving the environment.

The mission of EcoTrace involves the use of innovative solutions and community engagement to address environmental protection issues. Through EcoTrace, we aim for a long-term and significant impact on environmental problems by attracting a wide audience and creating a platform for good deeds and conscious environmental decisions.

The charity fund's objectives are:

  • Environmental protection is one of the key objectives and priorities of the project.

  • Addressing the financing issue. EcoTrace offers a unique staking mechanism (currently under development) that allows supporters to contribute to environmental initiatives without direct financial expenses. With the help of EcoTrace token staking, users can generate income that is then directed towards financing environmental projects. This eases the financing and provides sustainable funds to support eco-initiatives.

  • Ensuring transparency. Blockchain technology is used in EcoTrace for open transactions. This ensures transparency and reliability in financial operations, allowing users to see how their contribution is used and distributed in environmental projects. Transparency helps build trust and confidence in eco-initiatives.

  • Community engagement. At EcoTrace, we strive to build an active community around environmental initiatives. Users and supporters can come together, exchange ideas, participate in projects, and contribute to environmental preservation. Community engagement promotes awareness spreading and allows people to act collectively towards achieving common environmental goals.

How Does EcoTrace Work?

  • Environmental initiatives. Any community member can propose initiatives.

  • Financing through staking. People can stake EcoTrace tokens to generate profits for initiatives.

  • Initiative implementation. The community participates in the execution, and upon completion, proof is uploaded by the organizers and community members.

  • Rewards. Participants receive EcoTrace tokens and unique NFTs.

Last updated